Anticipatory Breach of Contract Related Cases

Anticipatory Breach of Contract Related Cases: What You Need to Know

Contracts are the backbone of any business relationship. When two parties come together to engage in a business transaction, a contract is usually drawn up to outline the terms and conditions of that agreement. However, there are situations where one party may anticipate that the other party will not be able to fulfill their contractual obligations. This is what is known as anticipatory breach of contract. In this article, we will explore what anticipatory breach of contract is, different types of anticipatory breach of contract, and some famous cases related to anticipatory breach of contract.

What is Anticipatory Breach of Contract?

Anticipatory breach of contract is a legal concept referring to situations where one party to a contract explicitly or implicitly communicates to the other party that they are not going to fulfill their contractual obligations. This can occur through words or actions. Essentially, anticipatory breach of contract occurs when one party anticipates that the other party is not going to comply with the terms of the contract.

Types of Anticipatory Breach of Contract

There are two types of anticipatory breach of contract: express and implied. In an express anticipatory breach of contract, one party explicitly states that they are not going to fulfill their contractual obligation. For example, an employee hears that their employer is going to file for bankruptcy and will not be able to pay their salary. In an implied anticipatory breach of contract, one party takes actions that indicate they do not intend to fulfill their contractual obligations. For example, if a vendor fails to deliver a product on time, it may be an indication that they will not be able to deliver other products as per the contract.

Famous Cases Related to Anticipatory Breach of Contract

One of the most famous cases in anticipatory breach of contract is the case of Perfect Image Printers, Inc. v. Mountain States Telephone & Telegraph Co. In this case, Perfect Image Printers, Inc. entered into a contract with Mountain States Telephone & Telegraph Co. to provide printing services for their customer directories. However, Mountain States Telephone & Telegraph Co. requested that Perfect Image Printers use a certain type of paper, which Perfect Image Printers refused, citing that it was not of good quality. Mountain States Telephone & Telegraph Co. then hired another printing company to complete the job. Perfect Image Printers sued for breach of contract, and the court found that Mountain States Telephone & Telegraph Co.’s request for a specific type of paper was not a material condition of the contract. However, the court also found that Mountain States Telephone & Telegraph Co.’s hiring of another printing company was an anticipatory breach of contract.

Another famous case related to anticipatory breach of contract is the case of Timber Ridge Equipment, Ltd. v. First National Bank of Oregon. In this case, Timber Ridge Equipment, Ltd. entered into a loan agreement with First National Bank of Oregon to purchase heavy equipment. However, due to a downturn in the economy, Timber Ridge Equipment, Ltd. was unable to make its loan payments. First National Bank of Oregon negotiated with Timber Ridge Equipment, Ltd. to accept a reduced amount in full satisfaction of the loan. Timber Ridge Equipment, Ltd. paid this amount but then sued First National Bank of Oregon for anticipatory breach of contract, citing that the bank did not fulfill its obligation to provide a loan for the full amount. The court found in favor of First National Bank of Oregon, stating that the negotiation to accept a reduced amount was a valid modification of the loan agreement.


Anticipatory breach of contract can have serious consequences for both parties involved. It is important to understand what it means and the different types and situations in which it can occur. Whether you are a business owner or an individual entering into a contract, it is important to consult with a legal expert to fully understand your rights and obligations under the contract. As an editor, it is important to be aware of legal concepts such as anticipatory breach of contract, as it can impact the language used in contracts and legal documents.

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