Acceptance in a Legal Contract

Acceptance in a Legal Contract: What You Need to Know

When it comes to legal contracts, acceptance is a crucial element that defines the agreement between parties. Acceptance is the final step in the formation of a contract and solidifies the terms of the agreement. As a professional, I will provide you with the necessary information you need to know about acceptance in a legal contract.

What is Acceptance?

Acceptance refers to the agreement of a party to the terms of an offer made by another party. It is the final and essential element that makes a contract binding. In other words, acceptance is the manifestation of the offeree`s willingness to be bound by the offeror`s terms.

For acceptance to be valid, it must be unequivocal and communicated to the offeror by the offeree. Silence or inaction does not constitute acceptance. The offeree must take an affirmative action, such as signing a document or sending an email, to demonstrate their acceptance.

Types of Acceptance

There are two main types of acceptance: express acceptance and implied acceptance.

Express acceptance occurs when the offeree explicitly communicates their acceptance to the offeror. For example, if the offeror sends a contract to the offeree, and the offeree signs and returns the document, this constitutes express acceptance.

Implied acceptance occurs when the offeree accepts the offer through their actions, rather than directly communicating their acceptance. For example, if the offeror provides a service to the offeree, and the offeree continues to use the service, this constitutes implied acceptance of the terms of the agreement.

Revocation of Acceptance

Once the offeree accepts the offer, they are bound by the terms of the contract. However, under certain circumstances, acceptance may be revoked. The revocation of acceptance can occur when:

– The offeror breaches the terms of the agreement

– The offeree is induced to accept the offer through fraud or misrepresentation

– The offeree entered into the agreement under duress

In these situations, the offeree may revoke their acceptance, and the contract becomes voidable.


Acceptance is a crucial element in the formation of a legal contract. It solidifies the agreement between the parties and makes the terms of the contract binding. As a professional, I hope this article has provided you with the necessary information you need to know about acceptance in a legal contract. Remember, acceptance must be unequivocal and communicated to the offeror for it to be valid. If you have any questions about acceptance or legal contracts, we recommend seeking the advice of a legal professional.

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